Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Craft for Comfort

I'm almost done! Well, I shouldn't be so proud. I've been working on this thing for a couple months now; off and on I should say. But, one has to admit it's looking pretty good. The pattern is from a book titled, Comfort Knitting and Crochet: Afghans, which I borrowed from my wonderful library, of course. (If you have something against libraries you can also find the pattern on Ravelry.)
Speaking of comfort knitting and crochet, I think I can include comfort crafting in that category. As I've gone along on this journey of craft, I've concluded a couple things about myself...

1. I love making things!
2. I never finish anything I make...oops.

These are the cold facts. Over the past couple of months since the last time I've written, I've come to accept this about myself. Maybe what I make isn't as important to me, but it's the process that gives me joy whether I finish anything or not. I find comfort in working with my hands. It's more of a task that helps me think and appreciate the quiet and stillness of life.

I used to feel guilty for not using my skills for making crafts to sell. But worrying about making money sucks the joy out and so does having mental deadlines. Now, I just make. This blanket will be finished sometime, it doesn't matter when.

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